Our Eco Friendly Policy

Ensuring we are environmentally friendly

It's in our nature!

Looking after the environment is an integral part of our global economy and our future, so ensuring that we have sustainable practices is a key priority.

At Art by Kayur, we take this responsibility very seriously, so responsible procurement, sustainability, recycling, and carbon offsetting are all factors we consider when developing supplier and consumer relationships.

Materials Matter

Paper & Board

Essential for printing, recycling excess paper is key to the sustainability of Art by Kayur and our future footprint. We operate a range of recycling methods for paper, board, and packaging to ensure nothing goes to waste.

Waste Not Want Not

Big Blue Planet

Try Big Blue Bins!

Our trusted print supplier currently holds six huge recycling containers on-site to ensure it can store all shapes and sizes of paper, board, card, composite, and film until collection day! To reduce petrol fumes, they empty resident metal, acrylic, and plastic recycling containers when full.

In 2017, they recycled over 11 tonnes of reusable paper and board, which means they saved over 200 trees! Recycled paper also produces 73% less air pollution than if it was made from raw materials, so every little bit of recycling contributes to looking after our planet. Each tonne of recycled paper will save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic meters of landfill space, 4000 KW of energy and 7000 gallons of water.

Even the ugly stuff

We're committed to ensuring your orders arrive safely, which means additional cushioning in every available space. In addition, we recycle our cardboard waste on-site by creating shredding to pad our boxes for delivery. We know it's not pretty, but if it means staying green, then we know you'll be keen, albeit a little dusty too.

We also use Pregis spiral paper in our 100% recycled, 100% recyclable, and 100% biodegradable parcels, which means that there are no cutting trees to produce this paper, and we wouldn't have it any other way. 

Here is to saving even more!