from £135.00

What a blessing and precious gift it is that every day when we wake up we are given a brand new opportunity to live in a way which can bring peace, joy, and happiness unto ourself and others.

Peace is present right here, right now, providing we are in touch with it. It can be felt in ourselves and in everything we do and see. The beauty is, that we do not have to travel too far to enjoy a beautiful sunset or to see the twinkle in somebody’s eyes. In fact, the very air we breathe can be the ultimate source of joy!

Ask yourself, “Am I smiling, breathing, walking and eating my meals in a way that allows me to be in touch with the abundance of happiness that is available to me in the moment?”

Perhaps you are exceptional at preparing to live, but not very good at living?

Many of us have sacrificed several years of studying or have worked hard to land that dream job, buy that car or house, build a business and so on so forth; in the process forgetting or having difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment. Actually, this is the only moment there is for us to be alive.

Every breath we take, every step we take, every move we make… can be filled with serenity.

'Peace’ is an illuminating piece of work that offers a moment of mindfulness, a reminder that soltitude and contentment is possible only in the here and now. Whilst planning for the future is a part of life it also requires to be done in the present moment. Allow it to invite you to come back to the present moment and find peace and joy, for it is available in our every step.


Elegant and contemporary, ‘Peace' brings an effortless touch of beauty to your living space; highlighting nature’s brilliance and aesthetic in neutral colours.

Edition of 10



Where was this photograph take?

Newgale Beach, Pembrokshire, Wales.

Dimension (W x H):
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